Source code for fairlens.metrics.significance

Collection of methods which can be used to numerically or analytically compute p-values and confidence intervals.

This module provides three functions to sample and generate distributions required for estimating p_values:
  - `permutation_statistic`
  - `bootstrap_statistic`
  - `bootstrap_binned_statistic`

The functions, `resampling_p_value`, `resampling_interval` can be use these distributions to
carry out p-value tests or obtain a confidence interval.

from typing import Any, Callable, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import beta, binom_test, brunnermunzel, norm

from .. import utils

[docs]def binominal_proportion_p_value(p_obs: float, p_null: float, n: int, alternative: str = "two-sided") -> float: """Calculate an exact p-value for an observed binomial proportion of a sample. Args: p_obs (float): Observed proportion of successes. p_null (float): Expected proportion of sucesses under null hypothesis. n (int): Sample size. alternative (str, optional): Indicates the alternative hypothesis. One of "two-sided", "greater", "less". Defaults to "two-sided". Returns: float: The p-value under the null hypothesis. """ k = np.ceil(p_obs * n) return binom_test(k, n, p_null, alternative)
[docs]def binominal_proportion_interval( p: float, n: int, cl: float = 0.95, method: str = "clopper-pearson" ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Calculate an approximate confidence interval for a binomial proportion of a sample. Args: p (float): Proportion of successes. n (int): Sample size. cl (float, optional): Confidence level of the interval. method (str, optional): Approximation method. One of "normal", "clopper-pearson", "agresti-coull". Defaults to "clopper-pearson". Returns: Tuple[float, float]: A tuple containing the confidence interval. """ k = n * p alpha = 1 - cl z = norm.ppf(1 - alpha / 2) if method == "normal": low = p - z * np.sqrt(p * (1 - p) / n) high = p + z * np.sqrt(p * (1 - p) / n) elif method == "clopper-pearson": low = beta.ppf(alpha / 2, k, n - k + 1) high = beta.ppf(1 - alpha / 2, k + 1, n - k) elif method == "agresti-coull": n_ = n + z**2 p_ = 1 / n_ * (k + z**2 / 2) low = p_ - z * np.sqrt(p_ * (1 - p_) / n_) high = p_ + z * np.sqrt(p_ * (1 - p_) / n_) else: raise ValueError("'method' argument must be one of 'normal', 'clopper-pearson', 'agresti-coull'.") return low, high
[docs]def permutation_statistic( x: pd.Series, y: pd.Series, statistic: Callable[[pd.Series, pd.Series], float], n_perm: int = 100, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Performs the sampling for a two sample permutation test. Args: x (pd.Series): First data sample. y (pd.Series): Second data sample. statistic (Callable[[pd.Series, pd.Series], float]): Function that computes the test statistic. n_perm (int): Number of permutations. Returns: np.ndarray: The distribution of the statistic on a n_perm permutations of samples. """ joint = np.concatenate((x, y)) t_null = np.empty(n_perm) for i in range(n_perm): perm = np.random.permutation(joint) x_sample = perm[: len(x)] y_sample = perm[len(x) :] t_null[i] = statistic(x_sample, y_sample) return t_null
[docs]def bootstrap_statistic( x: pd.Series, y: pd.Series, statistic: Callable[[pd.Series, pd.Series], float], n_samples: int = 100, sample_size: Optional[int] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Compute the samples of a statistic estimate using the bootstrap method. Args: x (pd.Series): First data sample. y (pd.Series): Second data sample. statistic (Callable[[pd.Series, pd.Series], float]): Function that computes the test statistic. n_samples (int, optional): Number of bootstrap samples to perform. sample_size (Optional[int], optional): Number of data samples in a bootstrap sample. Returns: np.ndarray: The bootstrap samples. """ if sample_size is None: sample_size = min(len(x), len(y)) statistic_samples = np.empty(n_samples) for i in range(n_samples): x_sample = x.sample(sample_size, replace=True) y_sample = y.sample(sample_size, replace=True) statistic_samples[i] = statistic(x_sample, y_sample) return statistic_samples
[docs]def bootstrap_binned_statistic( h_x: pd.Series, h_y: pd.Series, statistic: Callable[[pd.Series, pd.Series], float], n_samples: int = 1000 ) -> np.ndarray: """Compute the samples of a binned statistic estimate using the bootstrap method. Args: h_x (pd.Series): First histogram. h_y (pd.Series): Second histogram. statistic (Callable[[pd.Series, pd.Series], float]): Function that computes the statistic. n_samples (int, optional): Number of bootstrap samples to perform. Returns: np.ndarray: The bootstrap samples. """ statistic_samples = np.empty(n_samples) n_x = h_x.sum() n_y = h_y.sum() with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): p_x = np.nan_to_num(h_x / n_x) p_y = np.nan_to_num(h_y / n_y) x_samples = np.random.multinomial(n_x, p_x, size=n_samples) y_samples = np.random.multinomial(n_y, p_y, size=n_samples) for i in range(n_samples): statistic_samples[i] = statistic(x_samples[i], y_samples[i]) return statistic_samples
[docs]def resampling_p_value(t_obs: float, t_distribution: pd.Series, alternative: str = "two-sided") -> float: """Compute a p-value using a resampled test statistic distribution. Args: t_obs (float): Observed value of the test statistic. t_distribution (pd.Series): Samples of test statistic distribution under the null hypothesis. alternative (str, optional): Indicates the alternative hypothesis. One of "two-sided", "greater", "less". Defaults to "two-sided". Returns: float: The p-value under the null hypothesis. """ if alternative not in ("two-sided", "greater", "less"): raise ValueError("'alternative' argument must be one of 'two-sided', 'greater', 'less'") n_samples = len(t_distribution) if alternative == "two-sided": p = np.sum(np.abs(t_distribution) >= np.abs(t_obs)) / n_samples elif alternative == "greater": p = np.sum(t_distribution >= t_obs) / n_samples else: p = np.sum(t_distribution < t_obs) / n_samples return p
[docs]def resampling_interval(t_obs: float, t_distribution: pd.Series, cl: float = 0.95): """Compute a confidence interval using a distribution of the test statistic on resampled data. Args: t_obs (float): Observed value of the test statistic. t_distribution (pd.Series): Samples of test statistic distribution. cl (float, optional): Confidence level of the interval. Returns: Tuple[float, float]: A tuple containing the confidence interval. """ percentiles = 100 * (1 - cl) / 2, 100 * (1 - (1 - cl) / 2) delta = t_distribution - t_obs d1, d2 = np.percentile(delta, percentiles) return t_obs + d1, t_obs + d2
[docs]def brunner_munzel_test( df: pd.DataFrame, target_attr: str, group1: Union[Mapping[str, List[Any]], pd.Series], group2: Union[Mapping[str, List[Any]], pd.Series], ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Compute the non-parametric Brunner-Munzel test of the hypothesis that the probability of getting large values in the target attribute distributions (determined by the input groups of interest) is equal, without requiring equivariance. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): The input datafame. target_attr (str): The target attribute in the dataframe from which the distributions are formed. group1 (Union[Mapping[str, List[Any]], pd.Series]): The first group of interest. Each group can be a mapping / dict from attribute to value or a predicate itself, i.e. pandas series consisting of bools which can be used as a predicate to index a subgroup from the dataframe. Examples: {"Sex": ["Male"]}, df["Sex"] == "Female" group2 (Union[Mapping[str, List[Any]], pd.Series]): The second group of interest. Each group can be a mapping / dict from attribute to value or a predicate itself, i.e. pandas series consisting of bools which can be used as a predicate to index a subgroup from the dataframe. Examples: {"Sex": ["Male"]}, df["Sex"] == "Female" Returns: Tuple[float, float]: A tuple consisting of the Brunner-Munzel statistic and p-value associated with the significance of the observed difference. """ pred_a, pred_b = tuple(utils.get_predicates_mult(df, [group1, group2])) sr_a = df[pred_a][target_attr] sr_b = df[pred_b][target_attr] return brunnermunzel(sr_a, sr_b, nan_policy="omit")