Source code for fairlens.metrics.unified

Collection of helper methods which can be used as to interface metrics.

import multiprocessing as mp
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

import pandas as pd

from .. import utils
from .correlation import cramers_v, kruskal_wallis, pearson
from .distance import BinomialDistance, DistanceMetric, EarthMoversDistance, KolmogorovSmirnovDistance

[docs]def auto_distance(column: pd.Series) -> Type[DistanceMetric]: """Return a suitable statistical distance metric based on the distribution of the data. Args: column (pd.Series): The input data in a pd.Series. Returns: Type[DistanceMetric]: The class of the distance metric. """ distr_type = utils.infer_distr_type(column) if distr_type.is_continuous(): return KolmogorovSmirnovDistance elif distr_type.is_binary(): return BinomialDistance return EarthMoversDistance
[docs]def stat_distance( df: pd.DataFrame, target_attr: str, group1: Union[Mapping[str, List[Any]], pd.Series], group2: Union[Mapping[str, List[Any]], pd.Series], mode: str = "auto", p_value: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[float, ...]: """Computes the statistical distance between two probability distributions ie. group 1 and group 2, with respect to the target attribute. The distance metric can be chosen through the mode parameter. If mode is set to "auto", the most suitable metric depending on the target attributes' distribution is chosen. If group1 is a dictionary and group2 is None then the distance is computed between group1 and the rest of the dataset. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): The input datafame. target_attr (str): The target attribute in the dataframe. group1 (Union[Mapping[str, List[Any]], pd.Series]): The first group of interest. Each group can be a mapping / dict from attribute to value or a predicate itself, i.e. pandas series consisting of bools which can be used as a predicate to index a subgroup from the dataframe. Examples: {"Sex": ["Male"]}, df["Sex"] == "Female" group2 (Union[Mapping[str, List[Any]], pd.Series]): The second group of interest. Each group can be a mapping / dict from attribute to value or a predicate itself, i.e. pandas series consisting of bools which can be used as a predicate to index a subgroup from the dataframe. Examples: {"Sex": ["Male"]}, df["Sex"] == "Female" mode (str): Which distance metric to use. Can be the names of classes from `fairlens.metrics`, or their id() strings. If set to "auto", the method automatically picks a suitable metric based on the distribution of the target attribute. Defaults to "auto". p_value (bool): Returns the a suitable p-value for the metric if it exists. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Keyword arguments for the distance metric. Passed to the __init__ function of distance metrics. Returns: Tuple[float, ...]: The distance as a float, and the p-value if p_value is set to True and can be computed. Examples: >>> df = pd.read_csv("datasets/compas.csv") >>> group1 = {"Ethnicity": ["African-American", "African-Am"]} >>> group2 = {"Ethnicity": ["Caucasian"]} >>> group3 = {"Ethnicity": ["Asian"]} >>> stat_distance(df, "RawScore", group1, group2, mode="auto") 0.1133214633580949 >>> stat_distance(df, "RawScore", group3, group2, mode="auto", p_value=True) (0.0816143577815524, 0.02693435054772131) """ # Parse group arguments into pandas series' pred1, pred2 = tuple(utils.get_predicates_mult(df, [group1, group2])) group1 = df[pred1][target_attr] group2 = df[pred2][target_attr] # Choose the distance metric if mode == "auto": dist_class = auto_distance(df[target_attr]) elif mode in DistanceMetric._class_dict: dist_class = DistanceMetric._class_dict[mode] else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid mode. Valid modes include:\n{DistanceMetric._class_dict.keys()}") metric = dist_class(**kwargs) d = metric(group1, group2) if d is None: raise ValueError("Incompatible data inside both series") if p_value: p = metric.p_value(group1, group2) return (d, p) return (d,)
[docs]def correlation_matrix( df: pd.DataFrame, num_num_metric: Callable[[pd.Series, pd.Series], float] = pearson, cat_num_metric: Callable[[pd.Series, pd.Series], float] = kruskal_wallis, cat_cat_metric: Callable[[pd.Series, pd.Series], float] = cramers_v, columns_x: Optional[List[str]] = None, columns_y: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """This function creates a correlation matrix out of a dataframe, using a correlation metric for each possible type of pair of series (i.e. numerical-numerical, categorical-numerical, categorical-categorical). Args: df (pd.DataFrame): The dataframe that will be analyzed to produce correlation coefficients. num_num_metric (Callable[[pd.Series, pd.Series], float], optional): The correlation metric used for numerical-numerical series pairs. Defaults to Pearson's correlation coefficient. cat_num_metric (Callable[[pd.Series, pd.Series], float], optional): The correlation metric used for categorical-numerical series pairs. Defaults to Kruskal-Wallis' H Test. cat_cat_metric (Callable[[pd.Series, pd.Series], float], optional): The correlation metric used for categorical-categorical series pairs. Defaults to corrected Cramer's V statistic. columns_x (Optional[List[str]]): The column names that determine the rows of the matrix. columns_y (Optional[List[str]]): The column names that determine the columns of the matrix. Returns: pd.DataFrame: The correlation matrix to be used in heatmap generation. """ if columns_x is None: columns_x = df.columns if columns_y is None: columns_y = df.columns pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()) series_list = [ pd.Series( pool.starmap( _correlation_matrix_helper, [(df[col_x], df[col_y], num_num_metric, cat_num_metric, cat_cat_metric) for col_x in columns_x], ), index=columns_x, name=col_y, ) for col_y in columns_y ] pool.close() return pd.concat(series_list, axis=1, keys=[ for series in series_list])
def _correlation_matrix_helper( sr_a: pd.Series, sr_b: pd.Series, num_num_metric: Callable[[pd.Series, pd.Series], float] = pearson, cat_num_metric: Callable[[pd.Series, pd.Series], float] = kruskal_wallis, cat_cat_metric: Callable[[pd.Series, pd.Series], float] = cramers_v, ) -> float: a_type = utils.infer_distr_type(sr_a) b_type = utils.infer_distr_type(sr_b) if a_type.is_continuous() and b_type.is_continuous(): return num_num_metric(sr_a, sr_b) elif b_type.is_continuous(): return cat_num_metric(sr_a, sr_b) elif a_type.is_continuous(): return cat_num_metric(sr_b, sr_a) else: return cat_cat_metric(sr_a, sr_b)