COMPAS Recidivism#

The COMPAS dataset consists of the results of a commercial algorithm called COMPAS (Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions), used to assess a convicted criminal’s likelihood of reoffending. COMPAS has been used by judges and parole officers and is widely known for its bias against African-Americans.

In this notebook, we will use fairlens to explore the COMPAS dataset for bias toward legally protected features. We will go on to show similar biases in a logistic regressor trained to forecast a criminal’s risk of reoffending using the dataset. [1]

# Import libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import fairlens as fl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from itertools import combinations, chain
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

# Load in the 2 year COMPAS Recidivism dataset
df = pd.read_csv("")
id name first last compas_screening_date sex dob age age_cat race ... v_decile_score v_score_text v_screening_date in_custody out_custody priors_count.1 start end event two_year_recid
0 1 miguel hernandez miguel hernandez 2013-08-14 Male 1947-04-18 69 Greater than 45 Other ... 1 Low 2013-08-14 2014-07-07 2014-07-14 0 0 327 0 0
1 3 kevon dixon kevon dixon 2013-01-27 Male 1982-01-22 34 25 - 45 African-American ... 1 Low 2013-01-27 2013-01-26 2013-02-05 0 9 159 1 1
2 4 ed philo ed philo 2013-04-14 Male 1991-05-14 24 Less than 25 African-American ... 3 Low 2013-04-14 2013-06-16 2013-06-16 4 0 63 0 1
3 5 marcu brown marcu brown 2013-01-13 Male 1993-01-21 23 Less than 25 African-American ... 6 Medium 2013-01-13 NaN NaN 1 0 1174 0 0
4 6 bouthy pierrelouis bouthy pierrelouis 2013-03-26 Male 1973-01-22 43 25 - 45 Other ... 1 Low 2013-03-26 NaN NaN 2 0 1102 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
7209 10996 steven butler steven butler 2013-11-23 Male 1992-07-17 23 Less than 25 African-American ... 5 Medium 2013-11-23 2013-11-22 2013-11-24 0 1 860 0 0
7210 10997 malcolm simmons malcolm simmons 2014-02-01 Male 1993-03-25 23 Less than 25 African-American ... 5 Medium 2014-02-01 2014-01-31 2014-02-02 0 1 790 0 0
7211 10999 winston gregory winston gregory 2014-01-14 Male 1958-10-01 57 Greater than 45 Other ... 1 Low 2014-01-14 2014-01-13 2014-01-14 0 0 808 0 0
7212 11000 farrah jean farrah jean 2014-03-09 Female 1982-11-17 33 25 - 45 African-American ... 2 Low 2014-03-09 2014-03-08 2014-03-09 3 0 754 0 0
7213 11001 florencia sanmartin florencia sanmartin 2014-06-30 Female 1992-12-18 23 Less than 25 Hispanic ... 4 Low 2014-06-30 2015-03-15 2015-03-15 2 0 258 0 1

7214 rows × 53 columns

The analysis done by ProPublica suggests that certain cases may have had alternative reasons for being charged [1]. We will drop such rows which are not usable.

df = df[(df["days_b_screening_arrest"] <= 30)
        & (df["days_b_screening_arrest"] >= -30)
        & (df["is_recid"] != -1)
        & (df["c_charge_degree"] != 'O')
        & (df["score_text"] != 'N/A')].reset_index(drop=True)

id name first last compas_screening_date sex dob age age_cat race ... v_decile_score v_score_text v_screening_date in_custody out_custody priors_count.1 start end event two_year_recid
0 1 miguel hernandez miguel hernandez 2013-08-14 Male 1947-04-18 69 Greater than 45 Other ... 1 Low 2013-08-14 2014-07-07 2014-07-14 0 0 327 0 0
1 3 kevon dixon kevon dixon 2013-01-27 Male 1982-01-22 34 25 - 45 African-American ... 1 Low 2013-01-27 2013-01-26 2013-02-05 0 9 159 1 1
2 4 ed philo ed philo 2013-04-14 Male 1991-05-14 24 Less than 25 African-American ... 3 Low 2013-04-14 2013-06-16 2013-06-16 4 0 63 0 1
3 7 marsha miles marsha miles 2013-11-30 Male 1971-08-22 44 25 - 45 Other ... 1 Low 2013-11-30 2013-11-30 2013-12-01 0 1 853 0 0
4 8 edward riddle edward riddle 2014-02-19 Male 1974-07-23 41 25 - 45 Caucasian ... 2 Low 2014-02-19 2014-03-31 2014-04-18 14 5 40 1 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
6167 10996 steven butler steven butler 2013-11-23 Male 1992-07-17 23 Less than 25 African-American ... 5 Medium 2013-11-23 2013-11-22 2013-11-24 0 1 860 0 0
6168 10997 malcolm simmons malcolm simmons 2014-02-01 Male 1993-03-25 23 Less than 25 African-American ... 5 Medium 2014-02-01 2014-01-31 2014-02-02 0 1 790 0 0
6169 10999 winston gregory winston gregory 2014-01-14 Male 1958-10-01 57 Greater than 45 Other ... 1 Low 2014-01-14 2014-01-13 2014-01-14 0 0 808 0 0
6170 11000 farrah jean farrah jean 2014-03-09 Female 1982-11-17 33 25 - 45 African-American ... 2 Low 2014-03-09 2014-03-08 2014-03-09 3 0 754 0 0
6171 11001 florencia sanmartin florencia sanmartin 2014-06-30 Female 1992-12-18 23 Less than 25 Hispanic ... 4 Low 2014-06-30 2015-03-15 2015-03-15 2 0 258 0 1

6172 rows × 53 columns


We’ll begin by identifying the legally protected attributes in the data. fairlens detects these using using fuzzy matching on the column names and values to a custom preset of expected values.

# Detect sensitive attributes
sensitive_attributes = fl.sensitive.detect_names_df(df, deep_search=True)
{'sex': 'Gender', 'dob': 'Age', 'age': 'Age', 'race': 'Ethnicity'}
dict_keys(['sex', 'dob', 'age', 'race'])

We can see that the attributes that we should be concerned about correspond to gender, age and ethnicity.

df[["sex", "race", "age", "dob", "age_cat", "decile_score"]].head()
sex race age dob age_cat decile_score
0 Male Other 69 1947-04-18 Greater than 45 1
1 Male African-American 34 1982-01-22 25 - 45 3
2 Male African-American 24 1991-05-14 Less than 25 4
3 Male Other 44 1971-08-22 25 - 45 1
4 Male Caucasian 41 1974-07-23 25 - 45 6

fairlens will discretize continuous sensitive attributes such as age to make the results more interpretable, i.e. “Greater than 45”, “25 - 45”, “Less than 25” in the case of age. The COMPAS dataset comes with a categorical column for age which we can use instead.

We can inspect potential biases in decile scores by visualizing the distributions of different sensitive sub-groups in the data. Methods in fairlens.plot can be used to generate plots of distributions of variables in different sub-groups in the data.

target_attribute = "decile_score"
sensitive_attributes = ["sex", "race", "age", "dob", "age_cat"]

# Set the seaborn style

# Plot the distributions
fl.plot.mult_distr_plot(df, target_attribute, sensitive_attributes)

The largest horizontal disparity in scores seems to be in race, specifically between African-Americans and Caucasians, who make up most of the sample. We can visualize or measure the distance between two arbitrary sub-groups using predicates as shown below.

# Plot the distributions of decile scores in subgroups made of African-Americans and Caucasians
group1 = {"race": ["African-American"]}
group2 = {"race": ["Caucasian"]}

fl.plot.distr_plot(df, "decile_score", [group1, group2])
plt.legend(["African-American", "Caucasian"])
group1 = {"race": ["African-American"]}
group2 = df["race"] != "African-American"

fl.plot.distr_plot(df, "decile_score", [group1, group2])
plt.legend(["African-American", "Rest of Population"])

The above disparity by measuring statistical distances between the two distributions. Since the the decile scores are categorical, metrics such as the Earth Mover’s Distance, the LP-Norm, or the Hellinger Distance would be useful. fairlens.metrics provides a stat_distance method which can be used to compute these metrics.

import fairlens.metrics as fm

group1 = {"race": ["African-American"]}
group2 = {"race": ["Caucasian"]}

distances = {}
for metric in ["emd", "norm", "hellinger"]:
    distances[metric] = fm.stat_distance(df, "decile_score", group1, group2, mode=metric)

pd.DataFrame.from_dict(distances, orient="index", columns=["distance"])
emd 0.245107
norm 0.210866
hellinger 0.214566

Measuring the statistical distance between the distribution of a variable in a subgroup and in the entire dataset can indicate how biased the variable is with respect to the subgroup. We can use the fl.FairnessScorer class to compute this for each sub-group.

fscorer = fl.FairnessScorer(df, "decile_score", ["sex", "race", "age_cat"])
fscorer.distribution_score(max_comb=1, p_value=True)
Group Distance Proportion Counts P-Value
0 Greater than 45 0.322188 0.209494 1293 0.54
1 25 - 45 0.042123 0.572262 3532 0.98
2 Less than 25 0.272500 0.218244 1347 0.53
3 Other 0.253175 0.055574 343 0.69
4 African-American 0.130340 0.514420 3175 0.54
5 Caucasian 0.115572 0.340732 2103 0.64
6 Hispanic 0.184277 0.082469 509 0.67
7 Asian 0.331973 0.005023 31 0.86
8 Native American 0.492532 0.001782 11 0.90
9 Male 0.016210 0.809624 4997 0.97
10 Female 0.068942 0.190376 1175 0.62

The method fl.FairnessScorer.distribution_score() makes use of suitable hypothesis tests to determine how different the distribution of the decile scores is in each sensitive subgroup.

Training a Model#

Our above analysis has confirmed that there are inherent biases present in the COMPAS dataset. We now show the result of training a model on the COMPAS dataset and using it to predict an unknown criminal’s likelihood of reoffending.

We use a logistic regressor trained on a subset of the features.

# Select the features to use
df = df[["sex", "race", "age_cat", "c_charge_degree", "priors_count", "two_year_recid", "score_text"]]

# Split the dataset into train and test
sp = int(len(df) * 0.8)
df_train = df[:sp].reset_index(drop=True)
df_test = df[sp:].reset_index(drop=True)

# Convert categorical columns to numerical columns
def preprocess(df):
    X = df.copy()
    X["sex"] = pd.factorize(df["sex"])[0]
    X["race"] = pd.factorize(df["race"])[0]
    X["age_cat"].replace(["Greater than 45", "25 - 45", "Less than 25"], [2, 1, 0], inplace=True)
    X["c_charge_degree"] = pd.factorize(df["c_charge_degree"])[0]
    X.drop(columns=["score_text"], inplace=True)
    X = X.to_numpy()

    y = pd.factorize(df["score_text"] != "Low")[0]

    return X, y

df_train = df[:sp].reset_index(drop=True)

# Train a regressor
X, y = preprocess(df_train)
clf = LogisticRegression(random_state=0).fit(X, y)

# Classify the training data
df_train["pred"] = clf.predict_proba(X)[:, 1]

# Plot the distributions
fscorer = fl.FairnessScorer(df_train, "pred", ["race", "sex", "age_cat"])
X = df.copy()
X["sex"] = pd.factorize(df["sex"])[0]
X["race"] = pd.factorize(df["race"])[0]
X["age_cat"].replace(["Greater than 45", "25 - 45", "Less than 25"], [2, 1, 0], inplace=True)
X["c_charge_degree"] = pd.factorize(df["c_charge_degree"])[0]
X.drop(columns=["score_text"], inplace=True)

sex race age_cat c_charge_degree priors_count two_year_recid
sex 1.000000 0.025568 0.002701 0.061848 -0.118722 -0.100911
race 0.025568 1.000000 0.104551 0.078824 -0.123963 -0.088536
age_cat 0.002701 0.104551 1.000000 0.097368 0.169822 -0.156930
c_charge_degree 0.061848 0.078824 0.097368 1.000000 -0.145433 -0.120332
priors_count -0.118722 -0.123963 0.169822 -0.145433 1.000000 0.290607
two_year_recid -0.100911 -0.088536 -0.156930 -0.120332 0.290607 1.000000

Above, we see the distributions of the training predictions are similar to the distributions in the data from above. Let’s see the results on the held out test set.

# Classify the test data
X, _ = preprocess(df_test)
df_test["pred"] = clf.predict_proba(X)[:, 1]

# Plot the distributions
fscorer = fl.FairnessScorer(df_test, "pred", ["race", "sex", "age_cat"])
fscorer.distribution_score(max_comb=1, p_value=True).sort_values("Distance", ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
Group Distance Proportion Counts P-Value
0 Native American 0.513360 0.002429 3 3.046032e-01
1 Greater than 45 0.495185 0.204858 253 7.771561e-16
2 Less than 25 0.456088 0.229150 283 3.005322e-44
3 Other 0.333459 0.059109 73 2.491168e-07
4 Asian 0.238664 0.003239 4 9.366481e-01
5 Caucasian 0.200244 0.324696 401 4.152367e-11
6 Female 0.175752 0.208907 258 3.079097e-06
7 African-American 0.166902 0.522267 645 8.779233e-11
8 25 - 45 0.117271 0.565992 699 8.242076e-06
9 Hispanic 0.082636 0.088259 109 4.743583e-01
10 Male 0.046412 0.791093 977 1.830865e-01

Lets try training a model after dropping “race” from the model and look at the results.

# Drop the predicted column before training again
df_train.drop(columns=["pred"], inplace=True)

# Preprocess he data and drop race
X, y = preprocess(df_train)
X = np.delete(X, df_train.columns.get_loc("race"), axis=1)

# Train a regressor and classify the training data
clf = LogisticRegression(random_state=0).fit(X, y)
df_train["pred"] = clf.predict_proba(X)[:, 1]

# Plot the distributions
fscorer = fl.FairnessScorer(df_train, "pred", ["race", "sex", "age_cat"])
# Drop the predicted column before training again
df_test.drop(columns=["pred"], inplace=True)

# Classify the test data
X, _ = preprocess(df_test)
X = np.delete(X, df_test.columns.get_loc("race"), axis=1)

df_test["pred"] = clf.predict_proba(X)[:, 1]

# Plot the distributions
fscorer = fl.FairnessScorer(df_test, "pred", ["race", "sex", "age_cat"])
fscorer.distribution_score(max_comb=1, p_value=True).sort_values("Distance", ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
Group Distance Proportion Counts P-Value
0 Native American 0.672065 0.002429 3 7.123637e-02
1 Greater than 45 0.503900 0.204858 253 7.771561e-16
2 Less than 25 0.488846 0.229150 283 3.438215e-51
3 Asian 0.243927 0.003239 4 9.240617e-01
4 Other 0.211059 0.059109 73 3.564472e-03
5 Female 0.173141 0.208907 258 4.565218e-06
6 Caucasian 0.160895 0.324696 401 2.577566e-07
7 African-American 0.128776 0.522267 645 1.368363e-06
8 25 - 45 0.120753 0.565992 699 3.908314e-06
9 Hispanic 0.097017 0.088259 109 2.824348e-01
10 Male 0.045722 0.791093 977 1.962996e-01

We can see that despite dropping the attribute “race”, the biases toward people in different racial groups is relatively unaffected.


[1] Jeff Larson, Surya Mattu, Lauren Kirchner, and Julia Angwin. How we analyzed the compas recidivism algorithm. 2016. URL: